Shenzhen CMEF China 2024October 12--- October 15, 2024Hall 12H, booth 12T17Shenzhen World Exhibition and Convention Center
Shanghai CMEF China 2024April 11--- April 14, 2024Hall 6.1H, booth 6.1ZC35Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center
ZOWIETEK ELECTRONICS AT CMEF 2023May 15--- May 17, 2023Hall 3.2 Booth V31National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)
ZOWIETEK ELECTRONICS AT CMEF 2018April 11--- April 14, 20187.1 Q35National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)
Zowietek Electronics at CMEF 2017May 15--- May 18, 2017Hall7.1 , Booth R51Shanghai National Exhibition and Convention Center