Announced in the year of June. 2021, Shanghai–Zowietek Electronics, Ltd., – A professional video camera, streaming, recording, solution provider Since 2004, developed the cost-effective live broadcast application — ZowiePTZ. This App is designed for the majority of small and medium-sized live stream broadcast worker and teams.
Traditional theaters and concert live broadcasts require at least four photographers and professional video and audio switch which costs nearly 35,000 US dollars. In fact, for professionals director, some equipments are just a gimmick that far exceeds demand. ZowiePTZ could solve most of these problems.
Conventional Budget Analysis

Introducing ZowiePTZ
ZowiePTZ is a multi-camera control software aimed to help Zowietek PTZ Cameras’ users to contro pan, tilt, zoom cameras connected via IP and USB and provides maximum flexibility for video productions. This software will be continuously upgraded to meet customers’ demands.

ZowiePTZ APP supports simultaneous previews of 9 cameras, it also supports another option of 4-camera image preview as shown in the right. And with a simple double-click, all the cameras can be altered.
ZowiePTZ APP offers 6 preset positions for each camera channel, and the names can also be changed through a double-click.
ZowiePTZ APP allows users to control all the cameras( that are connected to the same network) within software and through X-Box handle, features like flexible PTZ controller and camera lens adjustments.
Current time( based on region) is displayed in the down right corner in the software interface.
How to get it
Zowietek users free
You can download the application at ZowiePTZ.
Free Update
The software requires an activation code, the customer
Connects us directly to request the activation code.
One-to-one technical guidance
Either from the part of cost control and layout designs or the specialized positioning on modern streaming demands, what ZowiePTZ offers must be the most cost-effective one in the market.
Production with quality standard at the cost of nothing but lower costs of time and money.
Portable, easy to operate, efficiency and environmentally friendly, intelligently linked, labor-reducing.
Highly integrated live streaming broadcast equipment
Minimum learning cost , new user friendly
The first and best choice for portable and cost-effective live streaming broadcast studio!