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Equipment installation and connection

Equipment installation and connection

1)Connect Network

Use an Ethernet cable to connect the Zowie PTZ to a network with a router or DHCP function.

2) Connect the power supply

(1) DC powered by

DC When the power adapter is supplying power to the Z owiePTZ , the status indicator light will light up.

(2) PoE power supply

Zowie PTZ can also be powered by Ethernet (PoE / PoE + ), without the need for a power adapter. If powered by PoE, you must connect the network cable to a PoE network switch, and the network cable must be at least CAT 5e .

3 ) Network control

Zowie PTZ provides five convenient and fast ways to log in to the web control interface.

(1)IP address

ZowiePTZ is enabled by default. Please connect the HDMI/SDI output to the monitor. After ZowiePTZ is turned on, the IP address will automatically display in the upper left corner for five seconds; or click the MENU button to call out the OSD menu to view the IP address. Enter the IP address in the browser of a mobile phone or computer in the same LAN to log in to the web control interface.


ZowiePTZ provides five quick ways to login to the web control interface.

(2)IP addesse

TheDHCPofZowiePTZisonbydefault.PleaseconnecttheHDMI/SDIoutputtothemonitor, theIPaddresswillbeautomaticallydisplayedintheupperleftcornerforfivesecondsafter ZowiePTZisturnedon;orclicktheMENUbuttonontheremotetocalluptheOSDmenut checktheIPaddress.EntertheIPaddressinthebrowserofthecellphoneorcomputerinth sameLANtologinthewebcontrolinterface


YoucanconnecttoZowiePTZdirectlywithouttheneedofanetworkcableorWiFinetwork. Connect your mobile device to the hotspot of ZowiePTZ, and it is on by default. The initial password and name of the hotspot are on the back of ZowiePTZ. After connecting to the hotspot, enter in the browser to log into the wbe console, when connecting to the hotspot, your cell phone may indicate that there is no network, this is normal,pleasecontinuetoconnect.


If you already have ZowiePTZ or ZowieBox, you can also log in to the new ZowiePTZ by the devicediscover,loginingtothewebcontrolpageand,click”Settings->Dashboard”touse thediscoveryfeature.Afterclicking”Scan”,findtheserialnumberofthedevicethatmatches theoneonthenewZowiePTZlabelandclickittothewebcontrolofthedevice.


When the connected network does not have DHCP function or when ZowiePTZ is directly connected to the computer via a network cable, or other unknown errors occur, the IP of ZowiePTZwillchangetoafailsafeIP( toyourcomputertologinthewebcontrolinterface.Fordetailedconfiguration,pleasereferto theusermanual.

Ifusersneedtousetheircellphonetologinthewebcontrolinterfaceafterloginingtheweb controlinterfaceonthecomputerside,therearetwoways.

(1)PleasemakesureyourcellphoneisinthesameLANasZowiePTZ,andthenscanthefirst QRcodetologinthewebcontrolinterfaceofcellphone.
(2)ClickthehotspoticonandscantheQRcodethatappearstoconnecttothehotspot.Then, scanthefirstQRcodetologinthewebcontrolinterfaceofyourcellphone.

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